... a slice of bread for the hungry
epitaph # 1
tell them i stood side by side the doctors and the dreamers a poem in my left hand a scalpel in the right tried and tried to funnel lillies and light from poems into the tip of my scalpel cut a slice of bread for the hungry - Elsrizee Corners of the world whose struggles and triumphs seem hidden from view. Kigutu, is one of them – a little village three hours away from Bujumbura, capital of Burundi. Our close friend, Sri, has called this place home for the last three months. An American doctor and UCSF Faculty, Sri dedicates five months of the year to working abroad in regions of extreme need. Now, from the midst of Kigutu’s harsh realities come his moving stories and innermost reflections. He writes not just as a compassionate doctor pushed to the boundaries of his ability, but as a deeply human poet who sings of both suffering and its overcoming with powerful presence. Check out some of Sri's inspiring posts, and photos. Or send him a note of support. |